Kainuu Social and Health Care

Kai­nuu So­cial Wel­fa­re and Health Ca­re Joint Aut­ho­ri­ty (Kai­nuun so­te) pro­vi­des all the so­cial wel­fa­re and health ca­re ser­vi­ces for the municipalities of Hyrynsalmi, Kajaani, Kuhmo, Paltamo, Ristijärvi, Sotkamo and Suomussalmi. In Puolanka, the organisation provides only the special health care services and and environmental health care services. Kai­nuu is a fo­re­run­ner in Fin­land in terms of in­teg­ra­ting pri­ma­ry health ca­re ser­vi­ces with spe­cia­li­zed me­di­cal ca­re as well as so­cial ser­vi­ces. Kai­nuun so­te is the big­gest emp­lo­yer in the re­gion with about 3 700 emp­lo­yees.

Kainuun sote

On the organisation website, you’ll find information on all their services. Some of the contents are available in English.

The Services in Puolanka

The social and welfare services in Puolanka are described on their own website.


Sosiaali- ja terveysalan kuvituskuva